Ingredient Spotlight: Yeast

In today’s “Ingredient Spotlight” we’re looking at the slightly mysterious world of yeast. Yeast has been used to ferment things for many centuries but it’s only relatively recently that we’ve actually started to understand how it works. For thousands of years, humans have used yeast in food and beverage preparation. Our ancestors understood that something […]

Ingredient Spotlight: Malted Barley

In today’s “ingredient spotlight” we’ll be looking at barley. Specifically, we’ll be exploring malted barley. Along with hops, malted barley is one of the ingredients that gives beer its unique flavour. Barley is one of the four key ingredients for beer along with water, hops and yeast (according to the Reinheitsgebot or German Beer Purity […]

MegaPot Nano Brewery System Review

MegaPot nano brewery system is a high-quality home and small-scale beer production brewing system. Its compact and efficient system enables beer enthusiasts to brew their own beer easily. The system has various features, including stainless steel construction, a tri-clad bottom for even heating, and a built-in thermometer for precise temperature control. This comes in sizes […]

How to Bottle and Bulk Prime Beer

So your latest batch of homebrew has finished fermenting. You’ve checked that the gravity is steady and you’re seeing something in your fermenter that is starting to look like beer. What next? In this article, we’re going to look at how to bottle your homebrew using the popular bulk priming method. Why bottle beer? We […]