Are Home Beer Brewing Kits Worth It?

Are Home Beer Brewing Kits Worth It?

Home brewing beer has become increasingly popular in recent years, thanks to the availability of kits and easy-to-follow instructions. But are these home beer brewing kits worth it? This blog post will explore the pros and cons of homebrewing beer so you can decide if it’s right for you. 

Home beer brewing kits offer an excellent opportunity for beer enthusiasts to experiment with their recipes and create delicious homemade brews. However, home beer brewing is an expensive hobby and requires a lot of initial investment. So the question arises – are home beer brewing kits worth it? Let’s explore this further. 

What Do You Need To Get Started? 

The most basic homebrew starter kit is around $100 and includes all the essential components you need to start making your beers at home. This includes:

  • Ingredients (such as liquid malt extract, hops, yeast, and adjuncts), fermenters, bottle cappers, bottle caps, cleaning supplies, thermometers, airlocks, and more.
  • You will also need additional equipment like a hydrometer to test the specific gravity of your wort or a mash tun if you intend to try out all-grain brewing techniques.
  • And then there’s the cost of electricity for heating water and cooling fermentation vessels; these costs can add up over time. 

RELATED: Home Made Vs. All-In-One Brewing Systems

The Pros Of Home Beer Brewing Kits 

The biggest pro to home brewing your beer is that it allows you to customize your brews to your tastes. With a kit, you can access an array of hops, malts, grains, and yeasts that can all be used together to create any type of beer you want.

If you’re a fan of IPAs, stouts, ales, or anything else, you can tailor each batch exactly how you like it.

Furthermore, the cost savings compared to buying commercial beers is significant; even with the cost of ingredients included in a kit, homebrewing is much cheaper than buying pre-made beers from the store. 

The primary benefit of a home beer brewing kit is cost savings. A home beer brewing kit can be much cheaper than buying individual ingredients from your local homebrew store.

Not only do you save money on ingredients, but you also save time since everything is included in one package. Additionally, with a kit, all the equipment is pre-selected and designed to work together perfectly.

This means that you don’t have to worry about spending extra time researching components or compatibility issues when you want to brew beer.

The Cons Of Home Beer Brewing Kits     

However, there are some cons associated with homebrewing as well.

  1. First off, it takes time; depending on which type of beer you’re making and how long it takes for fermentation and aging processes, each batch may take several weeks before it’s ready for the bottling bucket. If time is an issue for you, this could be a deal-breaker.
  2. Secondly, while most kits come with detailed instructions and tips on how best to get started (as well as recipes and other helpful advice), those new to brewing may struggle with the brewing process until they gain more experience.
  3. Finally, since most kits only produce small batches—typically 1-2 gallons—you won’t be able to make large amounts at once unless you invest in multiple kits or larger equipment. 

One potential downside to using a home beer brewing kit is that some may contain subpar ingredients or outdated equipment—especially if you purchase a cheap or used kit.

Investing in higher-quality ingredients and equipment can be worthwhile if you’re looking for high-quality results.

Additionally, some people find that the recipes included in kits are too limited or uninspiring; if this is true for you, investing in a more tailored recipe kit may also be necessary.

Furthermore, while most homebrewing kits contain enough supplies for one batch of your own beer, which typically yields around five gallons (or two cases) depending on the ingredients used, serious brewers may need to invest in larger sets as their skills improve.  

Is It Worth It? 

Ultimately, whether or not investing in a home beer brewing kit depends on how passionate you are about homebrewing. If you know that you’ll be using the equipment regularly and are willing to spend some money upgrading your setup over time, then yes – getting a homebrewing kit is worth it!

Having your setup can save you money in the long run because buying recipe kits from homebrew shops or ordering finished beers from craft breweries tends to be more expensive than making them yourself at home.

Plus, nothing beats the satisfaction of drinking a pint of your homemade brew!  

Best Homebrewing Kits

Below are the best pick for brewing equipment beer kits. Check out these highly equipped brewing kits.

  • Brew Demon’s Starter Brewing Kits: This is one of the market’s most popular home beer brewing kits. It has a complete beer with everything you need to start brewing, including a fermenting keg and bottles. It is also effortless to set up and use.
  • Brewer’s Best Deluxe Equipment Kit: This home brew kit is a great starter option for those new to home brewing. It comes with an easy-to-follow manual and all the necessary equipment.
  • Northern Brewer Brew Craft Beer Making Kit: This is one of the most comprehensive home beer brewing kits on the market, as it includes all of the necessary recipe kits and equipment (such as bottle filler, stainless spoon, and siphon tubing). It is also very user-friendly, making it great for beginners.


Overall, home beer brewing kits can be great tools for experienced brewers looking to customize their brews or newcomers who want an affordable way into the hobby without investing too much money upfront.

However, they also require patience and practice if one wishes to make quality beers every time; plus, they usually only produce small batches, which may not suit everyone’s needs.

Ultimately whether or not a kit is worth it depends on what kind of homebrewer you wish to be – but whatever your decision may be, we hope this post has helped shed some light on why people choose them!

Home beer brewing kits can be an excellent way for beginners to start brewing without breaking the bank—but they’re not perfect for everyone.

It is essential to consider cost savings and quality control before purchasing any kit!

So take some time to weigh your options and ensure you’re choosing the right path forward! 

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